He appointed the first female justice to the Supreme Court.
The Presidency of Ronald Reagan was what one would deem anti-feminist because of his belief in the traditional domestic world where women stay at home and mind the housework. Moreover, his agenda of anti-feminism would make it a period of dread for women, even till he was elected to be the President of the United States.
Ironically, his presidency would also bring a huge change in the feminist world. It would herald a period of progress for women, despite his anti-feminist agenda. One event that he helped improve the status of women was when he chooses to appoint Sandra Day O'Connor as the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. She would be the first female justice to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Thus, the correct answer is the third option.
During Bush's second term, the great recession hit, making the American economy very unstable. The unsteadiness of the economy stopped foreign investors from investing in American stock because they were uncertain if they would make their money back. For that reason, the international support of the United States dropped. its explaind a little better then his
indian wars- The American Indian Wars, also known as the American Frontier Wars, the First Nations Wars in Canada and the Indian Wars is the collective name for the various armed conflicts that were fought by European
buffalo slaughters of 1800s-By the 1800s, Native Americans learned to use horses to chase bison, dramatically expanding their hunting range. ... By the middle of the 19th century, even train passengers were shooting bison for sport. "Buffalo" Bill Cody, who was hired to kill bison, slaughtered more than 4,000 bison in two years.
battle of little bighorn-On June 25, 1876, Native American forces led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull defeat the U.S. Army troops of General George Armstrong Custer in the Battle of the Little Bighorn near southern Montana's Little Bighorn River. ... At mid-day, Custer's 600 men entered the Little Bighorn Valley.
wounded knee-The Wounded Knee Massacre, also known as the Battle of Wounded Knee, was a domestic massacre of nearly three hundred Lakota people by soldiers of the United States Army.
dawes act of 1887-The Dawes Act of 1887 regulated land rights on tribal territories within the United States. It authorized the President of the United States to subdivide Native American tribal communal landholdings into allotments for Native American heads of families and individuals.
Private property refers to a kind of system that allocates particular objects like pieces of land to particular individuals to use and manage as they please, to the exclusion of others and to the exclusion of any detailed control by society. In legal terms it's usually a designation for the ownership of property by non-governmental legal entities. Private property is distinguishable from public property, which is owned by a state entity; and from collective (or cooperative) property, which is owned by a group of non-governmental entities Certain political philosophies like socialism and anarchism make a clear distinction between private and personal property while others blend the two together. Private property is a legal concept defined and enforced by a country's political system
<em> hope it helps</em>