There is extraneous information in the diagram. There is duplicate information where you have... There are rivers flowing beneath our feet... a myth? Can stay because it’s simplified. The information ...Have you ever heard that there are rivers of water flowing underground? Do you think it’s true? should be deleted because it’s duplicating the simplified statement prior. Also, Some rivers, such as the Alpaha River in northern Florida, USA,can disappear underground during low flow periods isn’t relevant to the rest of the diagram. Generally water underground is more like water in a sponge is inaccurate and should be deleted. It states in the diagram later on that the water underground is a filler between the rock particles and soil. I hope this helped you. Sorry I didn’t see it sooner.
Dog is the noun
a noun is a person place thing or animal
I hope this helps
I think the answer is true.
second person point of view uses 'you' rather than 'I' and 'me' in first person and 'he' 'she' 'them' in third.
You go to the store and buy fruit.
You think that cats are cute.
You love cookies.
I use to do this thing when I was younger were I cross out some weird answers.A/D Don’t sound right to me so I would look at B and C more. I would go with C honestly but get another opinion before taking mines.