Women could have been a wife, mother, peasant, artisan, and nun, abbess or queen regnant. How they were treated depends on if they were one of the above, It is different for all of them. Noble women would after clothes and help ladies with dressing. Peasant women<span> helped their </span><span>husbands with their chores. They also helped with cooking and cleaning. The highest position was queen. An example would be Queen Mary the First. This is her story:
Answer: The advantage of the Revolutionary War is that Americans got independence. The disadvantage is that Britain lost their land.
It was a win for the US, a loss for Britain.
Hope this helps!
The Trail of Tears was part of a series of forced relocations of approximately 100,000[1] Native Americans between 1830 and 1850 by the United States government[2] known as the Indian removal. Members of the Cherokee, Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations (including thousands of their black slaves[3]) were forcibly removed from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United States to areas to the west of the Mississippi River that had been designated 'Indian Territory'.[2] The forced relocations were carried out by government authorities after the passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830.[4] The Cherokee removal in 1838 (the last forced removal east of the Mississippi) was brought on by the discovery of gold near Dahlonega, Georgia in 1828, resulting in the Georgia Gold Rush.[5]
As a simple and virtuous frontiersman