What natural barriers prevented Europeans from navigating Africa's rivers? rapids, cataracts ... Identify three factors that contributed to the Europeans' conquest of Africa. ... What fact/motive about/behind European imperialism offset any positive effects? it only benefited European business interests, not African lives
Justification of the Colonists' Declaration of Independence from England Were the colonist justified in declaring independence from England? I feel that they had plenty of just cause to separate themselves. England was taxing the colonies without fair representation in Parliament, the British also took
away the right to assemble, and they were using different tactics to attempt to intimidate the colonists.
One of the greatest thing that angered the colonists was the taxation without representation. The British government had good reason to tax the colonies, because they just went to war to defend them. That they u but they didn't appreciate the fact that they didn't have a say into how the but they didn't appreciate the fact that they didn't have a say into how the debt would be paid. The British passed the Townshend Acts to offset the war debt. This caused the colonist to reinstate the boycott on luxury items. England then passes the Tea Act taxing imported tea, but also gives the British East Indian Tea co. a complete monopoly.
Culture, and economic power. The north was industrial, and the south was agricultural. As for culture, the north was more British, and the South was more French and Spanish.