When the pandemic happened a lot changed especially our lives. For example not being able to go places or see family, always having to wear a mask always having to fear of getting sick. The pandemic change me significantly I am now scared to go out in public and not wear a mask. I think that it has affected a lot of people in many ways and especially with school. From my experience from this pandemic my grades have tremendously went down.
One opposing claim that Jefferson anticipates is that prudence would "dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes". Indeed, he says, and experience demonstrates that mankind would take all of the suffers, as long they are bearable, before changing the Government to which they are used to. But when a long trail of abuses and usurpations makes that Government despotic and not the system that guarantees the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it is the duty of men to take down that government and establish a new one that guarantees those rights. And so he lists the abuses that the King's ruling has inflicted upon the colonies, such as imposing taxes, cutting off their trade, dissolving Representatives Houses when it didn't follow his wishes, and not re-establishing them after a long time, etc.
Jefferson is trying to demonstrate why it is fair and justifiable that the colonies break free from the English ruling after it didn't stop with its tyrannical actions towards them, when the colonists has petitioned it in the most humble way. If the civilized and lawful approaches weren't enough to reform the regime, then it is fair to take it down and build a new one.
Her raven black hair, still dripping after the shower, left a cascade of water spots trickling down the back of her white t-shirt.</span><span>SoundWe woke up sluggish, tired from last night's ruckus. Our new puppy restlessly wandered around the house, his nails clicking over the wood floor like tap-dancing beetles, and his incessant, sharp-pitched whining filled all the corners of the house.
Ugh, I hate when the sour taste of sweat drips into my mouth during practice.
Her sweater was so soft, reminding me of a velvety smooth bunny or a wispy cotton ball. I was surprised it wasn't cashmere.
<span>I made sure to chew gum before my interview. I love the smell of minty breath; that sweet, icily refreshing scent is always sure to calm me down and help me focus.</span></span></span>