This excerpt is from Griselda’s Tale, a European Folklore written by Giovanni Boccaccio. Griselda was married to Gualtieri and her patience and obiedience were severely tested when her children were taken away from her to be killed. Gualtieri did not kill them however, but kept them in another town. When Griselda’s daughter was 12 years old Gualtieri brought her back and presented her to Griselda as his new bride. When Griselda did not object to this he revealed the daughter to the mother and restored her role as a wife and mother.
Question: Which option identifies an inference one could draw about the ladies based upon the information in the excerpt?
Answer: A. They place a high value on material possessions.
Since OPEC has influence on member countries' economic growth and development. ... Moreover, despite the existing quotas on oil production, the member countries make benefit by oil exporting. OPEC influence and maintain the prices of oil by controlling the volume of oil production and generate revenue.
C. Elizabeth Blackwell is best known for the first woman to attend medical school in the United States.
The Industrial Revolution was the catalyst for the ideological divide between capitalism and communism that became the background of the Cold War. Industrialization was fueled by capitalist economies and free markets. The communist ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels arose as a criticism of capitalism, and as a plan for an industrialized world in which the people themselves owned the means of production and benefited from the full value of their labors. The Soviet Union (the USSR) came into being as a result of communist revolution in Russia, and the USSR would become the great ideological enemy of the world's greatest capitalist power, the United States.
Another approach to this question would be that the Industrial Revolution led to the emergence of all sorts of new technologies -- including those applied to the waging of war. The World Wars saw a tremendous advance in weaponry and technology for warfare, and tensions between nations escalated. The development of atomic bombs were a further application of industrial technology, and they became the feared weapons held by both superpowers in a stand-off in the Cold War.