Mass and density
Density of an object is defined as its mass per unit volume. Mathematically, the relation is given by :

m = mass and V = volume
If we know the density of the Eraser and its mass, we can easily find its volume. Hence, the two tools are mass and density.
Answer: Gold jewellery pieces have been found as well as objects made locally using both copper and bronze, and a small number of glass beads, most likely from India and brought to the city by trans-Saharan camel caravans. Amongst the most interesting finds at Djenne-Djenno are terracotta sculptures.
The Confederacy saw themselves as fighting a second war for independence. They were rebelling against what they felt was an oppressive government that was infringing on their rights.
Lincoln referenced the forefathers in his Gettysburg Address and felt that keeping the union together was what they had fought for, they created a new nation, not one that should be torn apart.
So, Bush believed that all military missions should be based on U.S. strategic interests and should have clear objectives and exit strategies. He does not want to over commit the armed forces and would like to see allies shoulder more responsibility in terms of regional conflicts. Bush believes that U.S. regional priorities consist of Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and the Far East, and he strongly supports maintaining U.S. presence in NATO. He feels that the U.S. should be prepared for military intervention if necessary, but that a strong military will act as a deterrent to security threats.
Gore assailed Bush's proposal to withdraw U.S. forces from the Balkans saying it would be "a damaging blow to NATO" and would jeopardize other U.S. alliances. He has defined six criteria for deciding whether to deploy the military: (1) Is the mission in U.S. national interests? (2) Is military force the only way to solve the conflict? (3) Have all other options been exhausted? (4) Will force solve the problem? (5) Do we have the support of allies? (6) Is the cost of the operation proportionate to the objective? Gore's policy of "forward engagement" calls for early diplomatic intervention to prevent the need for future military deployment.
The correct answer is A! Cabeza de vaca!