Explain the processes used in forming metals. Name one occupation in history that has used forming in metalworking. ... Forming can also include casting, which involving shaping the metal using a hammer or some other form of pressure. Forming has been most commonly used by blacksmiths for centuries.
Thesis sentence responding to the question.
Context about artists and artworks.
Signpost the main ideas of the essay.
Introduce the first idea you signposted.
Introduce Artist 1 and the artwork you're analysing.
The Question: A short-lived cartoon called “Father of the Pride” was based on what act? ... The correct answer is Siegfried & Roy
hope its not too laye and i hope this helps!!
Speak on camera. It may seem awkward, but by doing so, you will have an opportunity to hear and see yourself, to analyze your mistakes , and to improve your techniques and strategies.
Engage in social interaction and maintain your confidence. especially when you are conversing with others. Try anything if you want to learn it, keep trying it if you want to get better at it, and don't be afraid of making errors as long as you learn from them.
learn more about speech context here:
As it consists of 3 forms.
A = beginning section then followed by the following section/ contrasting section (B) and repitition of beginning section (A)