Elite: Very high economic capital (especially savings), high social capital, very high highbrow cultural capital. Established middle class: High economic capital, high status of mean contacts, high highbrow and emerging cultural capital. They are a gregarious and culturally engaged class
the last one, China's political system will prevent further growth of its economic system.
In an early uprising, the Italian state of Piedmont declared war against Austria and lost
Back then, Austria was one of the most powerful Empire in the world and the state of Piedmont simply did not have enough allies and power to win against them
hope this helps
The United States did the right decision in helping Germany after the World War II. Even though Germany was the country that caused the most damage, and it was the one that was the main aggressor, it was very wise from the United States that they helped this country after the war. The reason why it was a good decision is that it helped the country develop economically and strictly focus on it, thus improving the lives of the people. When the people have descent living and are happy they would not go to extremes because of some politician's ideology. And taken in consideration that the Germans followed Hitler mostly because they were living in terrible conditions and were desperate, this seems to be the best possible move.