1. Maria Elena y Nora tienen que estudiar mucho.
2. Nosotros siempre usamos la computadora.
3. De vez en cuando yo tengo que hablar con la maestra.
4. Muchas veces Alejandro hace la tarea.
5. Tu tienes que leer el libro todo los dias.
hope this is helpful :)
The subjunctive mood is necessary
Due to deteriodo of the city because of earthquakes.
Can I borrow some money?
They told us that their friend is in the hospital.
He loves ice cream.
I'll pass the information on to you later.
They took our suitcases to the room.
I want to give you some advice.
My aunt sent him a gift in the mail.
Her boss brought her medicine.
My favorite thing they have given me is a book in Spanish.
Do you like this one better or the other one?
La escuela de Jorge ofrece clases de arte marciales como el karate y judo.