By definition, the bill of rights was a very important document with regards to the US Constitution because it contains the very first amendments of the constitution itself. It was added to the constitution for the main reason that of the inadequate systems of checks and balances. Therefore, the third choice.
The cause of the U.S. participation was pirates from the Barbary States seizing American merchant ships and holding the crews for ransom, demanding the U.S. pay tribute to the Barbary rulers. United States President Thomas Jefferson refused to pay this tribute. Sweden had been at war with the Tripolitans since 1800.
El 24 de octubre de 1929 tuvo lugar en Nueva York el desplome bursátil
más grave de la historia. El “Jueves Negro” marcó el comienzo de la
crisis económica mundial. Hubo una ola de quiebras bancarias y una
retirada precipitada de créditos estadounidenses a Europa. En los países
se hundió la economía y al cabo de pocos años la tasa
de desempleo alcanzó el 25 por ciento.
<h2>I saw this on othere sites......</h2>