In election years, it is clear that Christianity plays a big role in U.S. politics.Whatare some ways that Christianity figures into political discourse? Many of our lawsare based upon those found in the Ten Commandments and the Bible (lawsagainst murder, theft, etc). Our government makes Christian holidays nationalholidays and gives us time off for them and many government organizations don’twork on Sunday (Sabbath). Some people want to implement the Bible into schoolsand teach Christian beliefs in public schools as well. Christian politicians are oftenmore popular than non-Christian ones and when they push Christians ideas theytend to be more popular as well. Anti-gay and anti-lgbt legislation are oftenmotivated by belief in parts of the Bible that condemn homosexuality.2.Find a current article in the newspaper that has something to do with Christianity.Discuss the article with the class.
The first congress took place at Capenters' Hall Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on September 5 to October26,1774. It happened because the people wanted to respond to the growing problems between the colonies and the Intolerable Acts created by the British Parliment. This congress included the 13 representatives of the colonies except Georgia. Some of the people that wee there were George Washington, Patrick Henry, John Adams, Samuel Adams and John Jay. The reason for this continental congress was unifying colonies and colonists against the Coercive Act too.
Houses were being burnt down so people would have to build their own.
Your answer is C: <span>They developed a time system based on 60 minutes.</span>