Yes it is possible
Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
- Hospedar
- Dar posada
- Dar para donde vivir
- Aposentar
All those words are <u>synonyms</u> of "alojar" (lodge).
If two words are synonyms, they have a <u>similar meaning</u>.
1. Hola, come estás?
2. Soy de *insert country/state name*.
3. Tengo *insert age* años.
4. Mi cumpleaños es *insert birthday*.
5. Mi familia is *pequeña o grande*.
6. Tengo hermanos.
7. Tengo NO hermanos.
8. My actividad favorita es *insert a hobby*.
9. *Insert name here* es me mejor amiga/o.
10. Mi escuela es *insert school name*.
If you need help with how to spell a word or translation help, please ask me.