“One of my earrings fell off, it rolled under the stove,” is a RUN ON sentence. You can tell by the comma splice (which separates two different, yet complete, thoughts incorrectly through using only commas). You can also tell because it holds two complete sentences without the proper conjunction or punctuation needed to connect them.
To fix a run on, you must use a conjunction (and, but, for, yet, not, or, so) between the two complete thoughts or place a period between them.
Example: one of my earrings fell off. It rolled under the stove.
Example: One of my earrings fell off and it rolled under the stove.
You can show positive attitude towards physical activities by having a goal for youself with motivation, doing regular work out rountine and just have fun
An obscure term ostensibly referring to a lung disease caused by silica dust, sometimes cited as one of the longest words in the English <span>lan-guage. Hope i helped </span>
The answer is:
"Last week I sent a tuner over to my parents’ apartment and had the piano reconditioned, for purely sentimental reasons.”
This is intrisic because she says, "purely for sentimental reasons" meaning she wasn't influenced by anything from the outside, this was something she did on her own based on how she personally felt. It was based on her emotions and her feelings. Hope this helps:)