The executive branch regulates trade with foreign nations
Religion is understood to influence subjective well-being through various ways: the religious community gives people a sense of belonging and provides an important source of social support; religion gives people's lives meaning and purpose; and finally, religion encourages people to lead healthier lifestyles.
The development is dominant component of the theory. For the female perspective, ethics is highly
considered particular. Their main liability is to avert damage and to help
people. While the Male perspective is deliberated as worldwide and neutral perspective
in rationalizing about what is ethically upright or depraved. They also have a predisposition to ask about
the effects of some act whether the good effects compensate the bad.
The correct answer for: A researcher suggests that the healthcare disparities described in the passage are partly due to cultural bias.
Which concept is most relevant to this hypothesis? Is: D) Ethnocentrism.
To understand this question we have to recall what Ethnocentrism is and how it applies here. First of all, Ethnocentrism is the moment in which someone focuses on his or her culture to analyze it and try to understand another object of the same level making associations of their characteristics as well as establishing patterns of concepts and items categories. But with a superior belief of the proper culture.