Argument: Is Nonconformity Another Way of Conforming? There are many ways for people to reject mainstream culture or expectation
s. Challenging the norms can be considered a form of rebellion, progress, or both. Some people argue, however, that these types of nonconformity are really just other ways of conforming.
It depends. Conforming is a passive choice, in order to not have to question and be aware of a situation/action/opinion. I think that if you're non-conforming to whatever the conformity wants, then yes it is another way of conforming because you're still not active in the process. On the other hand, if you decide based on knowledge and information when you want to conform and when you do not want to confirm you're transforming a passive process in an active one. In this case, non-conforming is truly authentic.
I think it is a yes because when you conform, this means that you accept the opinions and that you approve what is in the plan so that it connects to nonconformity in which you will question it first but then you will realize and conform to what is said.
The place is the business of where her father used to work and the situation is them hiding with another family from the Nazis so they won't be sent to a concentration camp
The analogy is meant to show parallels between two sets of words. Fertile is to arable as vague is to clouded. If you understand either pair it can be used to decipher the meaning of the other pair you don't know.