B. Providing national defense
The U.S government was created to serve the interests of its people key of which is to protect and defend its people from all enemies, whether domestic or foreign. This is the basic function of government
- The British first assumed control of India by fighting a terrible war
- The British East India Company only handled company business matters.
India was considered the most important colony of the British Empire and, therefore, the term British India was coined. The territory of India was under total control of the United Kingdom.
British India was a multicultural environment, formed by different races, languages and religions, especially the Indo-Europeans and the Mongolian race. In this period, the territory of India had more than 3 thousand languages and dialects and the religion of Brahmanism (Hinduism) was the most important.
England had a viceroy in Indian territory, who represented the highest authority in the colony and was responsible for accountability to the British Empire in London.
Galileo was a natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials and to the development of the scientific method
The conflict between Spain and Portugal over colonial rights was resolved by the Pope through the Treaty of Tordesillas. It split the colonial world into a place for Portuguese colonization, and one for Spanish.
The Portuguese were given all of Africa, the eastern most tip of now Brazil, and--later clarified in the Treaty of Saragossa--everything between the 46th meridian, and the 142nd meridian. Spain was given rights to the opposite, from the 142nd to the 46th meridian.