No, they are not equivalent fractions. 200/100 is an improper fraction, meaning that the numerator(or the top number) is larger than the denominator(the bottom number). 1/5 is a normal, simplified fraction...200/100 at its simplest is 2/1. Therefore, like I said before, they are not equivalent
I was so late this morning. By the time I got to work, I missed the whole meeting.
The sentences are in past tense, so you need to change those words to past tense.
I was so late this morning. By the time I ...........(get) to work, I.........(miss) the whole meeting
Past tense of get is got and past tense of miss is missed.
I was so late this morning. By the time I got to work, I missed the whole meeting
First paragraph gives us insight into the way in which slaves were dehumanised. ... Douglass makes his first suggestion that slavery changes white people this is referred to ... Violence against women.
He's saying that if he was a beast, he wouldn't understand right from wrong or be able to realize that slavery is evil, and he'd rather that than stay a slave, knowing he deserves better.
The author of this proverbial saying isn't known. It is sometimes ascribed to Plato and it does appear in translations of Plato's Republic. Those translations weren't made until much later than the phrase was in common use in English and are more likely to be the work of the translator than being a literal version of Plato's words. The proverb was known in England by the 16th century, although at that point it must have been known to very few as it was then documented in its Latin form rather than in English. Many well-known proverbs appeared first in Latin and were transcribed into English by Erasmus and others, often as training texts for latin scholars.
William Horman, the headmaster of Winchester and Eton, included the Latin form 'Mater artium necessitas' in Vulgaria, a book of aphorisms for the boys of the schools to learn by heart, which he published in 1519.
Explanation: hope any of this helps you <3