2) Assignment to a diversion program incarceration
3) Illinois
4) 1,000,000
5) 16
1) The child-saving movement was vital for the Juvenile court system foundation, the intention of them was to mitigate the delincuency in children, with different programs and proposals, that later influenced the creation of a court system specially for children, and adollecents.
2) When a crime is serious or considered as a high offense, an incarceration for the subject will be asked, however the new inmate will be in a special reclusion place (¨camps¨) until turns into 18, once it happens, would be re located in a regular prison.
3) The first Juvenile court was formed in Illinois in 1899, a couple of reasons caused this, however the advocacy and backup to the childrent of different iconic influential women like Jane Adams or Lucy Flower, were definitely key points in order to start the new court system in this state.
4) Based in the average per year of hearing cases in the Juvenile courts, the amount is normally higher than 1´000.000, the high population and the social issues are reasons that makes the number considerable, in the last years have been decreasing though.
5) The incarceration for people under 16 was banned on the 1899´s court act, the reasons of the modification was basically the ¨modus operandi¨ of the government, where the goal was rehabilitate instead punish.