The IT department failed to notify you and the marketing department about it, so customers weren't informed or warned. Worse, they failed to ask for feedback about what the update should include, and now customers can't access some of the features that they most enjoyed.
The painting depicts a young woman and her younger sister seated outdoors with a small basket containing balls of wool.
1). Create a new file
2). Draw a picture using the brush and geometric shape tools.
3). Fill the drawing with paint
4). Create another layer by importing a picture from the computer
5). Merge the layers
6). Use editing tools to create a more aesthetic picture
7). Edit the layout using selection tools
8). Add text to the layout
9). Save the file in a format you can use
Epithelial layers contain no blood vessels so they must receive nourishment via diffusion of substances from the underlying connective tissue, through the basement membrane.