No, the United States should not declare war.
If there was no reason to attack the U.S, then there is no reason to fight back. We shouldn't waste precious materials and money on something that could disappear just as soon as it started. If, and only if, they persist then we do have the right to defend ourselves. But the U.S should try to find the reason that they wanted to attack us for. There is no action without a reason. Then we could come to a conclusion on the subject.
This is only my opinion, so please don't think that your answer, or thinking should have to change.
1. Population control
2. To preserve the balance of ecosystems
3. For extra food during the transmeridian war
President Kennedy contributed to America during the Cold War era because he pretty much prevented another World War. This is because America found out that the Soviet Union sent missiles to Cuba and they starting panicking because they were extremely vulnerable to the Soviet missiles. Kennedy set up the armed forces to attack Cuba sparking ww3, but that was canceled because Krushov (or however you spell it) told Kennedy to remove their missiles from Turkey and they'll remove theirs from Cuba. And so they agreed and withdrawn their missiles.
Also, two tanks at the Berlin Wall were at a stand-off, ready to shoot tank explosions at each other. Luckily, Kennedy called Krushov (or however you spell it), to move their tanks back a few feet and they'll do the same, so they kept going until the tanks decided to go back.
You're welcome
umm i think you need to answer people answer and you can get points.
Davis was a skilled military general. IG