1-I Only open cards when there is money inside
2-I can see through them, so you can't lie
3-I saw you wrap the presents and you could never hide
4-You never saw me, So you can't cry
5-I saw you put the presents by the fireplace
6-and you lied about santa in my face
7- How dare you ruin my christmas?
8- I thought we were all in this!
9- You lied and now Its time for my revenge!
10- I put coal in your stuff and ripped the letters you sent!
(You thought you could get me down!
You swung my emotions around !
Well that's over now!
My turn to shine!
It's Christmas Time! ) 2x
It would cause erosion by washing away the soil into the ocean
Two years later, Barbara Jordan was asked to deliver a keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in 1976.
Barbara Jordan was an American lawyer, educator and politician. She was also a leader of the Civil Rights Movement. She achieved international fame for her brillant speech during the impeachment process of President Richard Nixon.
Called the 'gentlelady from Texas', Barbara Jordan spoke on the evening of July, 12, 1976 at Madison Square Garden in New York City. She delivered the most significant speech of the Convention. It provided the economical statement of the Democratic Party's philosophy and a vivid reflection of the mood in post-Watergate America. Her speech also illustrated the character, quality and potential of the black female as a national political figure. She was acclaimed for her warmth, integrity, eloquence and her confidence in creating a united, strong and fair country.
They both depended on the rivers. And human sacrifice XD. <span />