The options
A)Damage to cellular mitochondria
B)Increased ATP levels
C)Activation of the p53 protein
The extrinsic pathway of apoptosis includes extracellular signaling proteins which adhere to cell surface molecules known aa death receptors which in turn activates apoptosis.
The aftermath activates endonucleases prompting division of DNA and ultimately cell death.
Apart from the TNF and Fas ligand, primary signaling molecules also promotes the extrinsic pathway, examples of such are the TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL); the cytokineinterleukin-1 (IL-1); and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the endotoxin located in the outer cell membrane of gram-negative bacteria while the activation of the p53 protein, and decreased ATP levels in the intrinsic pathway results in DNA damage.
E) horizontal gene transfer
Horizontal gene transfer can also be referred to as lateral gene transfer. It is the transmission of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) between different genomes.
Horizontal gene transfer has been shown to occur between different species, such as between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
Horizontal gene transfer is made possible by the existence of genetic elements, such as plasmids, transposons, and bacteriophages (bacteria that infects viruses).
It will become a theory after repeated experimentation
Yes..? Kind of.
Fusion is the combination of lighter nuclei into heavier nuclei. Yes, this is seen in nature; the sun. The sun is an example of fusion. However, on earth, no. To fuse 2 nuclei, you need extreme temperature and extreme pressure to fuse them together because the nuclei are the same charges. So, yes, but not really?
The chemistry of life begins with the basic principles of bond formation and bond breaking, and the nature of the different compounds formed. Life revolves around the balancing act between the energy released as bonds are broken and the energy taken in as bonds are formed.