Wrong that was in prison camp an labor camps, in ghettos it was mostly starvation and illness
All I know is part A to the question :The geography of India greatly influenced the location of early settlements on the subcontinent. Both the Indus and the Ganges rivers carried rich silt from the mountains to the plains. When the rivers flooded, the silt spread over the plains and made the soil in the river valleys fertile for farming.
Answer: Adversely affected by changing trends
Every country needs to have multiple diversified exports to be able to combat changing trends in trade as a result of economic trends.
South America exports mostly primary commodities such as foodstuff, oil and other raw materials. If economic conditions lead to the prices of these goods falling then South American economies would face hardships as income earned from exports will fall drastically.
2020 for instance saw the prices of oil fall to very low prices as there weren't enough vessels using fuel due to the various lockdowns around the world. This heavily affected countries reliant on oil exports in South America such as Venezuela and Bolivia.
In short, depending on few exports can be damaging to the economy because economic trends can lead to a downturn in fortune. It is best to have a diversified export portfolio.
- April 13th, 1743 in Shadwell, Virginia
- July 4th, 1826 in Charlottesville, Virginia
- Peter Feild Jefferson
- Randolph Jefferson
- Anna Scott Jeferson Marks
- Elizabeth Jefferson
- Martha Jefferson Carr
- Lucy Jefferson Lewis
- Mary Jefferson Bolling
- Peter Thomas Jefferson
- Jane Jefferson
- Martha Skelton Jefferson
- Married on January 1st, 1772
- Martha Jefferson Randolph
- Madison Hemmings
- Eston Hemmings
- Mary Jefferson Eppes
- Harriet Hemmings
- Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson
- Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson I
- Peter Jefferson
- Jane Randolph Jefferson
President Info-
- 3rd President of U.S.
- Succeded by James Madison
- Preceeded by John Adams
- In office from March 4th, 1801-March 4th, 1809
- Bought Lousiana Territory
Info about his Vice Presidents-
- Aaron Burr from 1801-1805
- George Clinton from 1805-1809
Random Political Info-
- Senator of Virginia
- Served on the Continental Congress
- Served in Virginia Legislature
- Secrtary of State to Washington
- Minister of France for several years
- Second Vice President
Political Party-
- College of William and Mary
- Founded the University of Virginia
- Owned about 600 slaves in his lifetime
- Inheirited 175 slaves
- Most were born on his plantations
- Started with 41 slaves in 1774
- Purchased some slaves to reunite them with families
- Sold 110 slaves for economic issues
- 1784, he probably owned 200
- Wasn't particularly found of slavery, but practiced it nonetheless
Stuff I don't know how to catergorize-
- Author of the Declaration of Independence
- Could read more than five languages
- Invented the Jefferson disk in 1975
I just spent over an hour doing this... wow! Hope this is able to help some!
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