I say Israel - and I hope this is taken in an utterly nonpartisan way, which takes absolutely no position vis-a-vis the legitimacy of either conservatism or the Israeli state. I just think some core aspects of Israeli government and society are in line with mainstream US conservatism: a free-market liberal democracy of course, but with formal religious-ethnic affiliation, compulsory military service with training on firearms (and licensing to possess same) for all citizens, and a generally hawkish stance on questions of military and defense. They are also highly security-oriented, some would say in a much more effective way than the US government, and its security apparatus employs profiling techniques which almost undoubtedly have a racial component (<span>and </span><span>conservatives would no doubt want to insist that these two facts are directly related). I believe that taxation rates are roughly on par with that in the US, if not a bit less... though not nearly as low as Switzerland. </span>
The quote that most clearly reflects pressure from superiors as motivation for bias in media is “Robbins doesn’t have a shot at winning and isn’t worth covering, but my editor says we have to make him look electable.”
The basic principle in the exercise of one's right is that it should not interfere with the ability of others to enjoy their rights as well. this means rights have limitations, and these limitations are logical. The graffiti hurted the neighbour and that is a violation of his rights of propert as well.
c. the republican government lost power to the democratic party
The severe drought and dust storms had left many homeless; others had their mortgages foreclosed by banks, or felt they had no choice but to abandon their farms in search of work. Many Americans migrated west looking for work.
I may be wrong