The [meiji] restoration found japan [1868–1912] practically an agricultural country, purely and simply. there were few, if any,
industries of importance. the agriculturists [farmers] produced sufficient food to supply the nation, and japan was in every sense self-supporting. even the taxes were paid in rice, and farmers were ranked far higher than merchants. history showed the japanese, however, that it is very difficult to maintain a high standard of national greatness when the revenue of the land and the prosperity of the people depends absolutely upon the fall of rain or the hours of sunshine. . . . besides the necessity, there was an additional reason to be found in the knowledge that industrial growth would add enormously to the power of the nation, not only in the far east, but among european countries. it was recognized that industrial and commercial development was a much surer guarantee of greatness than military power, and that the conquest of markets was more efficacious [effective] than the destruction of armies and navies. in this proficiency japan desired to be the england of the eas
Slavic and Scandinavian countries are very rich in resources, and Russia wanted to control most trade in Europe until the collapse of the Soviet Union. More trade = More power and they were still recovering after the HARD losses when the Germans' invaded Leningrad and the war.
The greatest ancient civilization of Mesoamerica is the Olmec civilization. It left a rich and influential heritage in architecture, the arts and agriculture to the following cultures of the region: the Mayas, the Toltecs, the Aztecs. In their historical accounts, there is special mention of the old people of the Olmecs and their culture and ways.