The British presence in India began through trade. Men like Robert Clive, of the British East India Company, combined military prowess with a ruthless ambition, and became fabulously wealthy. With wealth came power, and traders took control of huge swaths of India.
The correct answer is A. If in the first box of the diagram the employee is giving an unfavorable opinion about his boss in a newspaper, and in the last box there is a judge ruling a sentence, the second box has to refer to a judicial issue. As the boss is the only one injured by the employee's declaration, he is the only one who can access justice regarding this issue, so the options are limited to A and C. The correct answer ends up being A, since when arguing libel, the boss can access justice by suing his employee, not if he defended him by saying that his statement was a symbolic speech.
The major cause of shifts in political allegiance during this time came from the Great Depression, which required strong government intervention to correct the issue. These interventions became commonly ascociated with the Democratic Party, thanks to FDR.