Following are the program to this question:
#include <iostream>//defining header file
using namespace std;
void OR_gate()//defining a method OR_gate
bool a,b;//defining bool vaiable
cin>>a>>b;//input value
if(a or b)//use if block to check condition
cout<<"1";//print message
int main()//defining main method
OR_gate();//calling method OR_gate
return 0;
In the above program, a method "OR_gate" is declared, and inside the method two bool variable "a and b" is defined, which input the value from the user end.
In the next step, an if block is defined, that uses the or gate to check input value and print the value that is equal to 1, and inside the main method, it call the "OR_gate" method.
Cloud Computing
It is certainly a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand and convenient network access for using a shared pool of configurable computing resources, and that can rapidly be provisioned as well as released with the least managing effort or the interaction of the service provider. And such a facility is only being provided by the cloud computing currently. And hence the Cloud computing, the right answer.
HTML isn't really used for this anymore, it's done via CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). On the web currently, HTML pretty much just describes what to be displayed, CSS describes how it's to be displayed and JavaScript is used to provide function to a web page.
In HTML, you could use: align="center" as an attribute of the img tag to center it. Now it's preferable to use text-align: center CSS for the object containing the image (a div or p).
Positioning things on top of each other brings in z-axis and position CSS. Check out the CSS tutorial at . It's free.
def get_middle_ten(sentence):
ind = (len(sentence) - 12) // 2
return sentence[ind:ind + 12]
# Testing the function here. ignore/remove the code below if not required