One of themes of The Tempest is forgiveness and reconciliation and it can be said that it is at this point, Prospero decides to not pursue revenge but rather forgive his brother. There also must be other more obscure reasons why Prospero decides to forgive when he has the power to take revenge. Power manifests itself in “The Tempest” in many different ways, including the exploration of the power of love, the universal desire for power amongst men, the power of a master over his slave, and the power of magic and illusion.
the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests.
eir audience? Did they touch on similar themes and concepts?
Develop a Claim. Study the information in your table. You may notice that some columns have more similarities and
others have more differences. This type of observation can help you make a claim in your speech. You can use this
sentence frame for your claim:
While both speeches have a similar [audience, purpose, message], one speech has a distinctive ſâudienc
eir audience? Did they touch on similar themes and concepts?
Develop a Claim. Study the information in your table. You may notice that some columns have more similarities and
others have more differences. This type of observation can help you make a claim in your speech. You can use this
sentence frame for your claim:
While both speeches have a similar [audience, purpose, message], one speech has a distinctive ſâudienc
Subjective: based on or influenced by personal experiences, beliefs, thoughts
I just copied and pasted this to see if anyone else had an answer, one person said B and that got 5 stars and a few thanks, so I'd go with B. Also, B seems objective because it is influenced by the person's feeling of the character.
reconciliation and forgiveness
Listen, Slowly is a poignant story about a terrible war that tore apart a nation and affected its people deeply. The themes of reconciliation and forgiveness (Ba forgives the guard after seeing the tunnel) and of the importance of family predominate as well.