Poor Europeans fared a little better, often signing on to be indentured servants. This was like slavery, but it was for a specified amount of time and came with a specified bonus paid at the end. Still, injustices such as press ganging were slow to die.
Nationalism is a overwhelming patriotic feeling and principles. And it took the Romantic love for nature and human connection and turned it into a love for a nation.
The effects of manufacturing and capital on the U.S. economy were profoundly intense. As soon as the Industrial Revolution spread to the US from Britain, US GDP rose dramatically and millions more people were put to work in factories--lifting the middle class.
Without having a timeframe or choices, I would guess it would be the Holocaust which was from 1941-1945 when the German Nazi's rounded up and excecuted Jews (men, women, and children)
<span>The natives felt strongly because Custer was attacking their homes, which contained women and children, and the army had a custom of taking no prisoners, killing every single person, even infants and mutilating the bodies for trophies and scalping the dead.</span>