The dates may be rather arbitrary, but the main distinction between Early Modern and Late Modern English (or just Modern English as it is sometimes referred to) lies in its vocabulary - pronunciation, grammar and spelling remained largely unchanged.
<span>Because they wanted to extend and perpetuate slavery.</span>
Francisco is ready to recite his memorized portion of the Declaration of Independence and Border Patrol show up to take him away. Seriously—they just show up at his classroom and that's it, <span>Francisco knows what's going to happen (he's heading back to Mexico), and he's not fighting it. Francisco is about to read one of the most important documents in American history (one that talks about freedom, rights, liberties etc.), and he is just taken away without a say in it; this contrasts the 'rights' that illegal immigrants compared to U.S. citizens, because they aren't always treated humanely.</span>
To become a better student, you should always pay attention to what your teacher teaches. Teachers spend many hours teaching, and yet some people do not listen to the teachers, that's what makes them not so good students. But to be a better student, you should listen to what your teacher tells you. This could not only make you better students, but this can also make you smarter students. You also need to be studying more to become a better student. Your brain builds pathways and habits over time, and studying is about building those mental muscles and endurance.