I think we need a picture or something. Because from this sentence i cant infer anything.
Sincerely sorry.
Hey there, here is my answer:
One time, my grandma made spaghetti and it was the best spaghetti ever. I put the noodles in my mouth and the flavors overwhelmed my mouth. I could taste every flavor. The delicious tomato sauce, the perfectly cooked noodles, the perfect meat, and there was some delicious cheese on top. On the side, there was cheesy garlic bread that melted into my mouth and made my mouth water. I wanted more, and more, and more. My stomach was filled with spaghetti but my mouth wanted to taste the flavors for longer. When I was finished, I was happy, I was content, my world was changed. That bowl of spaghetti changed my life. (This story may be a little overdramatized). Nevertheless, that spaghetti was DELICIOUS.
I hope you enjoyed this story of spaghetti goodness.
In my family there are 5 members.I have 1 sister and 1 brother.I am the Middle child.I have a really good connection with my family and love spending time with them.