Time waits on no man, so spend your time on valuable pleasures. Spend time living to your fullest. Always be happy! Don’t let that vehicle drive you into the wrong direction. Strive for your goals and never become inconsistent with them.
Answer: The best meaning of "gaunt" as it is used in the sentence provided is A. skeletal.
Explanation: "Gaunt" is an adjetive used to describe someone as very thin and haggard. In the sentence provided,<u> the word "gaunt" has been used to describe a sinister figure</u>; therefore, in this case<u>, the best meaning of "gaunt" is "skeletal"</u>. "Skeletal" is also an adjective and<u> it makes reference to someone that does not have a lot of flesh</u>, that is to say someone that resembles a skeleton.
It is a metaphor for Lily's situation because her situation at the pink house will not “stick” much longer.
The carpe diem is generally instructs
the readers on how to live and enjoy life, but not all carpe diem
poems instruct offer of advice through the poet's first hand
experience. Many contemporary poems reminds us about life's
overlooked pleasures. Carpe Diem is popular as a theme because it's a
sentiment possesses of elasticity of meaning both possibility and