Bill’s car gets 30 miles to the gallon. For every gallon of gas it consumes, his car runs 30 miles.
Is a function.
In math, a function is a dichotomic relationship established y numbers or certain numerical representations. In other words, Functions are relationships established between two elements called integers that have to be numbers or have to be numerical representations with the assigned value. In our case, the integers are 1 gallon and 30 miles. So, we have a function here.
Usually, a c or g sound is hard or soft depending on the vowel that follows it. Here's the general rule: When c or g meets a, o, or u, its sound is hard. When c or g meets e, i, or y, its sound is soft.
<span>To think of your having such a tragedy in your life!" </span>
"How about", my mom asked, "we make sandwiches".
In my opinion, there are two possible reasons.
First, the government probably does not think these guys are any kind of a threat to them. I mean, so what if there are some people out walking around when no one knows they're there? It's like the thing about the tree falling in the forest with no one around.