The two types of criminal murder are murder and manslaughter. However, the latter, while unlawful, it does not involve malice or an intention to kill or even seriously harm the person. Manslaughter does not also involve any reckless disregard for the life of the individual and hence always involves no malice aforethought. They can be labelled as excusable or justifiable homicides, but the moral blame for manslaughter is less than that of first or second degree murder.
a. True
This statement correctly describes the ideal behavior of this vehicle. A slow vehicle can be as much of a hazard when driving as a fast vehicle. A slow vehicle can make it difficult for other cars to pass, or to make accurate predictions of the vehicle's behaviour. Therefore, if the slow vehicle is making it difficult for other cars to pass, the best thing to do is to pull to the right whenever possible in order to allow other cars to pass.
Public goods are better than other goods.
A public good is a product that one person can consume but still it can be available for another person. Another one would not be deprived for the same. This makes public good non-rivalrous. For instance, public park is a public good. If person A is using it, B can also use it at the same time. Services like fire and police are also public goods and are available to all at the same time. Thus, public goods are mostly publicly financed and hence are better.
Private good like a piece of pizza can only be eaten only person 'A' at a given time. Person 'A' can exclude others from eating it unlike a public good.
In the first past the post system, as the name implies, the party or candidate winning the a plurality of votes obtains all the political seats being contested.
For example, suppose we have three parties, and 20 seats being contested in a fictional election. The results are:
Red party - 60%
Green party - 30%
Blue party - 10%
Under a first past the post system, the Red Party would obtain all the 20 seats.
Under a proportional system, on the other hand, each party or candidate gets a proportional amount of seats corresponding to the percentage of the votes.
For example, if the number of seats contested is 20, and we obtain the same results as above, the number of seats for each party (in bold) would be:
Red party - 60% - 12 seats
Green party - 30% - 6 seats
Blue party - 10% - 2 seats