The Suez and Panama canals are two of the most important canals in the world. They are crucial for the trade and travel through the sea, as they cut the sea routes by thousands of kilometers, which makes it much more easy and cheaper to use them. The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean with the Indian Ocean, thus avoiding to circle around Africa, while the Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and the Pacific, thus avoiding to circle around South America. The one that controls these canals will manage to always get very large wealth because everyone will opt to use them as it much easier, cheaper, safer, and quicker, but in order to use it, everyone needs to pay certain tax. Those taxes are bringing in constant profit from doing pretty much nothing for the countries that control these canals. Also, it brings in a lot of power, as they can block the access of any country to it if they want, thus giving them big power on the global economic scene.
All citizens.
The First Amendment is one that guarantees liberty in five areas. It guarantees religious freedom, the freedom of speech, the freedom of press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government.
The holy lands are located in Jerusalem and it's important because so many events happen there such as the birth of Jesus and it was the place Jesus, the Messiah came to save all the people