He was a high ranking Roman Army Officer. He's important because he, with all his great power and ability to command, was very humble and very faithful in Christ's power. Perhaps I'm using the wrong word, but don't forget the centurion recognized power before anything. He is remarkable because he did not respond exclusively to power. He responded to his understanding of faith.
Read Matthew 8:5:13. It's in Luke to but I'm not familiar with it in that gospel.
I think B is your best choice for this question
0 Rhyme emphasizes the argument of the poem
stefanie : eyoow! where have you been brother?
julius : sup,i just bought a noodles from the nearest store.
stefanie : why you didn't wear faceshield or face mask? aren't you awake to the virus?
julius : oww i'm sorry ,i too lazy to wear anything and it's too near to be alarmed...okay...
stefanie : whether it's too near just think of your safety,because this days one sick person is a problem of a whole community.
julius : well ...i'm really sorry stef ,promise i will be careful for the safety not just for me but also to everyone surrounds me .
stefanie : glad to hear that from you rn,,,but now wash your face and hands before you prepare that noodles.
julius : okay , just wait and i'll serve this for us.
Plethora would be the collective noun because it is a group.