Football is my favorite sport. It is also a famous sport all over the world. By playing football, we can keep our body strong, fit and flexible, to play football is a good exercise and good for health. It needs a spacious ground. The number of players needed for this game is twenty-two. There are two groups. Each group has eleven players. Each group has a goalkeeper. There is a center from where the play starts with the referee. He has the power to comment on right or wrong. The players have to maintain the rules of the sport. If any player disobeys him, he is disqualified and comes out of the playground. When the goal is scored supporters’, joy knows no bound. Exciting claps are seen when a goal is scored. This play at first originated in England. Then it spread almost every nook and corner of the world. Its popularity is increasing day by day.
have good day boy ^_^
Honour is dearer to Brutus than life itself. And that is what Cassius reiterates, with the goal of attracting Brutus to his own cause (of betraying and getting rid of Caesar). Cassius masterfully manipulates Brutus. First, he tells him that he is honourable. And then, he holds him by that honour, because honourable people should act that way. Furthermore, he tells Brutus that the Romans would be eager to have someone like that as their leader. So, Cassius first feeds Brutus's ego, and then starts provoking his greed.
Not combined with other word parts
Well naturally, the two people should meet in the beginning. They ultimately need to fall in love so your story can later determine if it’s “fate” or just “love” they’re experiencing. If you’ve been in love before, that should help you write. Never answering the question “fate or love” could be cool too. Leave the reader to decide... but that’s more of an ending lol.
You can make the couple meet online, in person, naturally, on accident, literally however. In my opinion a long distance relationship might solidify the question “fate or love” simply because in a LDR (long distance relationship) the two can be so deeply in love, but so far away. This almost forces you to think “is this relationship fate, or are they just in love?” You need conflict definitely. Provoke the mind to ask this question. You can do it!!