The correct answer is proactive interference.
Proactive interference refers to the phenomenon wherein, old memories get in the way of or interfere with retaining and retrieving new memories. In this instance, Marion's old memory of her former phone number is interfering with her ability to retrieve the memory of her (newer) current phone number.
<em><u>In store promotion</u></em>
Brenda was planning a small dinner party and had gone to a new specialty food store with coupons he'd found in the food section of the paper. At the store she also found a buy one , get one free deal and a gift offered with the purchase of a particular dessert . She altered the menu as a result of the <em><u>promotion in store</u></em> and ended up spending less than she'd planned.
Promotion in sale is good tactic used bu the sores to increase their sales . Store's promotion attract people and they intend or desire to buy the product.It always helps the customer to remove their dissatisfaction as they can even physical touch the product and can know about the quality of the product . It builds a strong connection between the seller and the buyer. It helps i creating the brand loyalty . It helps in creating a good product image of the product in the mind of the the buyers.
This sale represent A MITIGATION OF DAMAGE.
The principle of the mitigation of damage states that a person who has suffered an injury or loss should take reasonable action where possible to avoid additional injury. The failure to take reasonable action to prevent further loss may result in reduction in the amount that the person can recover if the case is taken to court.
Check the answers below
- The per instrument cost of the bank is $0.25. Assuming uniform cheque value, the 24 million remittances across 10000 cheque will mean per cheque value of 2400. If this amount can be invested at 8% p.a., then daily investment income will be approx = 2400 * 8% /365 = $ 0.526
- Now for the company to jus about cover the cost of the cheque processing, the time should reduce by (assuming fractional time in days is possible) 0.25/0.526 = 0.48 days
- Now if the interest that can be earned reduces to 4%, the average daily interest will also reduce to $0.263. At this level, the time required to cover the cost should reduce by 0.95 days
The difference is simply because the opportunity cost in terms of alternate usage of funds has decreased for the company.