It is B they could not compete successfully with new firms entering the market
Mit'a was effectively a form of tribute to the Inca government in the form of labor, i.e. a corvée. In the Incan Empire, public service was required in community-driven projects such as the building of their extensive road network. Military service was also mandatory
the Boston tea party a success
The purpose of the spoils system is to give your supporters political positions in various federal offices. To the victor go the spoils means that if you win, you can put all your friends or family members or party members at high positions because you control those positions. It's not a system based on merit which was introduced later, after Jackson's policies.
Forced sharecropping or tenant farming--the black codes created discrimination against blacks preventing them from other jobs or owning land.
The black codes were laws limiting the rights of freedmen and didn't allow for blacks to get land or different jobs. Being land owners still needed labor, free blacks were left with no other option but to continue working the land they had once been enslaved. It led to a system of debt and cycles of poverty which took generations before blacks saw progress.