Since nothing is underlined i presume that the underlined pronoun is them. It is in the dative case because them is an object and answers the question to whom was something done. Them refers to the trainer's team.
Explanation: This means that there is always something positive, and something negative in a situation. There is always a silver lining on every grey cloud. A situation is bad if you look at it negatively, but it will be better once you look at it from a positive perspective.
The puzzle of altruism is best stated in the opening line that wonders if altruism does opposite of what it means to.
Altruism is a murky territory. It is one of the core values of humanity in the modern sense in that the people acknowledge that there is a need to give back to less fortunate ones if one is in fact, fortunate.
But then again, there is a thing that the altruism may only lead to more altruism and not actual independence from the need of altruism as it does not build, it merely provides.
Thus, until there is a way to use such altruism effectively this will be an issue pervading them.
in American history, a series of investigations and persecutions that caused 19 convicted “witches” to be hanged and many other suspects to be imprisoned in Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony
During the McCarthy era, hundreds of Americans were accused of being "communists" or "communist sympathizers
1940s through the 1950s.
He didnt
Another word for carry is haul. If you haul something, you’re carrying or taking it somewhere. If you’re hauling wood, for example, you’re taking wood somewhere.