Favoring "Native-born" people as opposed to immigrants.
The view that certain skills are "native" or hard-wired into the brain at birth.
The United States bombarded Iraq and Saddam Husseim in 1998 because the United States had required Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq or face war. The first targets of military importance were hit with missiles from warships stationed in the Persian Gulf and in response to the attack Iraq announced that “the evil ones, the enemies of God, have committed the stupidity of aggression against our homeland and people."
It was the The Battle of Antietam during the Civil War that was the bloodiest single day in American history--with he battle leaving roughly 23,000 men killed or wounded.
In 390 BCE the Gauls under their leader Brennus attacked Rome. In the battle of Allia 390 BCE Gauls defeated Roman army. After that they attacked the city of Rome. The Romans retreated to the Capitoline and watched the destruction of their city. The Gauls burned Rome and left only after being payed 1,000 libres in gold.
Answer: An invasion by the Gauls.