A.Carbon dioxide You Are Welcome
Decomposers break down dead material
They differ in some social and ritual customs, and in some aspects of their cuisine.
These 'surface' differences stem from their respective historical geographic origins. The history of the 'Sephardim' springs from western Europe and North Africa, including Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, and Arabia. The history of the 'Ashkenazim' is rooted in Eastern Europe, including Germany, Poland, the Baltics, Russia, and the 'Stans' ... Tajik, Kazakh, Uzbek, etc.
One fascinating feature of this split, isolated evolution of Judaism ... and there are many ... is the fact that even though the two streams evolved, with almost zero contact, for as much as 1,000 years, a Sephardic Torah scroll and an Ashkenazic Torah scroll are totally identical, down to the last character in every one of their 10,290 lines of text written in 245 columns.
If 8 of the picks are orange, 6 of the picks are green.
Wind Shear is the difference in direction and speed of the wind in the atmosphere within a specific distance.
Eddies are generated when winds goes over a mountain creating vertical shear on the side that is sheltered from it, that creates air pockets causing atmospheric turbulence know as "rotors".
The change of direction and wind speed with altitude variation is called Vertical wind shear.
The change in wind speed together with a change in lateral position at a certain altitude is called Horizontal wind shear.
One scenario is a mountain with down-bursts and micro-bursts creating ice crystal plumes clouds that could warn pilots of wind shear, allowing then to avoid accidents.