“The Black Cat" is the more complex story of the two. The murder is unpremeditated, whereas in "The Tell-Tale Heart," it is carefully planned. Additionally, the narrator in "The Black Cat" is an alcoholic, committing his acts of violence against both the cat and his wife under the influence of alcohol.
Answer: "if"
Signal words are referred to as the words that provide hints on what is expected to happen while one is reading.
The signal word that points to the problem in the passage is "if". From the text, we can see that Hughes knew that the meat that comes from a single cow could not make many people sick buy that the real danger was "if" the disease was passed to other cows.
Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby? They believe it's cheerful!!
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Education and training helps to open doors to many different job opportunities. While college is not for everyone, there are different training programs where you can earn special certificates and licenses to set you apart from other people. The entire point is to make a living where all of your needs are met. Simply having a high school diploma only makes you eligible for bare minimum jobs where you are completing against several others. Yes, you are often able to work your way up the ladder if you are a hard worker, but that could take years. In order to have more options and a future where you are earning more money than minimum wage.