During World War I, farmers worked hard to produce record crops and livestock. When prices fell they tried to produce even more to pay their debts, taxes and living expenses. In the early 1930s prices dropped so low that many farmers went bankrupt and lost their farms.
b) Zitkála-Šá traveled with several other children to a missionary school in the east. She was treated much differently at school than at her home, which caused her anxiety and pain. Her first night at the school, she cried herself to sleep, grieving the absence of her mother and aunt.
The arrival of Sa's at school was traumatic. All the kids got haircuts. Only enemy-captured cowards got haircuts in Dakota culture. Zitkala-Sa hid in a vacant room. The school personnel brought her out, strapped her to a chair, and chopped off her braids as she wailed. She later said that school employees didn't care about her sentiments and treated children like "little animals."
After a few years, Zitkala-Sa was allowed to visit her mother during school breaks. Her mother urged her to quit school during the visit. Later, she said, visiting home was sad. The teacher returned. She may have felt that she didn't belong on the reserve, like many children. School altered her.
Patricia is playing the role of the recorder
hope that helps :)
After years of wanting to raise a pet kitten, my parents finally allowed me to have one. I was extremely excited and could barely contain my happiness when we went to the animal shelter. However my dad put a specific condition for me to raise the cat "he won't be able to roam around the house," he said. Because of this condition, we had to empty the last room in the house, which would be the place where the kitten would stay. There we spread cat towers, footrests, scrapers, litter box and everything the cat could need to have a happy life.
When we arrived at the shelter, I carefully observed each cat present in the place and chose a black kitten that was meowing a lot. I think he wanted to get my attention and he did it. The kitten was full of energy and I believed it would be simple to take care of him. However, I was completely wrong.
The kitten was extremely smart and managed to escape the room prepared for him at all times. We couldn't keep him there, because he found a way to escape. Although this is a very funny situation, we tried to seal all the ways out and were overcome by fatigue. Our last attempt was to reduce the empty space under the door. We thought that my father would complain too much about the situation and that the cat would not be able to conquer him, but we were wrong again. My dad, who had no fondness for cats, was completely blown away by our kitten's cleverness, we thought he wouldn't allow the cat to stay in the house, but yet he did it.