Correct answer is A Greeks
A is correct answer as Greece was the cradle of democracy, especially city-states Athens, from where the ideals of democracy spread to other countries. They had their political bodies, such an Assembly, where people could participate in the decision making.
All other options are wrong, as in this countries also these ideals spread from Ancient Greece.
International communities are created when people or governments from different nations form associations on the basis of certain values, rules, interest etc.
- International Communities congregate together to show their support and strength for any particular cause.
- The interactions that happen in the International Community create historical, political and socio-economic consequences for the people of the participating nations.
- Example: The United Nations pressurizing the developed countries to decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
From the statements mentioned about Convergent Boudaries we can select the following as true.
- Convergent boundaries are where two plates move toward each other. By definition this statement is true.
- New oceanic plate (oceanic lithosphere) is created at convergent boundaries. True, a new oceanic plate can form from the action of convergent boundaries at midocean, lava and million of years do the remaining job.
- Convergent boundaries that have subduction occurring provide a "pull" force that contributes to plate motion. False, Subducting melt and ascend trough the rock creating a volcanic eruption cone and producing an island chain.
- Oceanic plates can be destroyed at convergent boundaries due to subduction. False, The older plate will subduct due to its density and it is forced deep into the mantle, it will melt once the deepth is reached.
I would say that probably classifying natural disasters and their impact on man would most likely be considered by William Hughes as true geography as rather than just describing earth's features it would show the impact of earth's processes on man.
Fatores religiosos e sociais influenciaram muito a cultura do continente africano, embora a África mantenha muitas de suas tradições, muitas pessoas de outros países europeus ou americanos vieram com o objetivo de evangelizar, aprender e implementar novas formas de cultura social. .
Agora, a África também recebeu contribuições econômicas e políticas de países mais desenvolvidos, permitindo um grande progresso em todos esses campos nos últimos 50 anos.