The lost boys in Peter Pan, In their appearances in the Disney franchise, the Lost Boys are often named after their animal costumes: Fox/Slightly, Rabbit/Nibs, Bear/Cubby, Skunk/Tootles, and the Raccoons/Twins.
Causes & effects of living in poverty
“The root of all evil”: things that lead to homelessness & unemployment
Bullying & its effects on mental health
Things that make certain artists the most successful/sold in the world
“Twilight”: Several causes + effects of its success
Should students of different genders be forced to study separately?
Why do many students believe homework is useless?
Why most of the US students say history is the most boring subject in the curriculum?
Wearing school uniform: pros & cons
The way labels like “gifted,” “talented,” or “successful” affect students
You have the question and you have the answer, what more do you want?