Generally members of a family have knowledge/experience with computer operations related to personal use and work use.
Some knowledge is related to:
- Use of software such as Internet Browser and Operating System.
- Use of hardware such as keyboard for typing and monitor for viewing images.
Therefore, the personal and professional use of a computer requires basic knowledge, usually for carrying out work on specific systems, saving files, entertainment such as games and music, browsing the internet, etc.
It is necessary, however, to know the basics about computer security, since on the internet it is very easy to infect the computer with malicious programs that contain viruses that can steal information and damage computer components.
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<h3>a) imaginary places (a mirage, Xanadu) .</h3>
- For the author, New York was more than just a mere city. She says that it is an infinitely romantic place with love and money and power. She compares New York to Xanadu, an imaginary place, because that is what most people think how New York.
- She says people regard New York as a place of great and magnificent beauty when in reality it is tougher and harder than it looks. It has its own tragedy and hardships.
surprised calm lazy really lazy
The author evaluates the effectiveness of different types of garden hose. If a hose is more effective, it will surely have more demand and the price of that hose will increase. The author explains the meaning of perceived value since if consumers think that a particular hose is better than other and that will lead to an increase. The same will happen if the peception is bad, comsumers will punish the product by reducing the price.or has. Cultures can affect also the demand of a good or service.Taxes can vary prices. Employment situations affect aslo the prices.