It is certainly the most efficient system of reproduction.
It doesn't require dating, dinner, movies, courtship, etc.,
and it doesn't even require locating another compatible,
cooperative individual, or even knowing anybody else.
It eliminates all of the preliminaries, and cuts straight to the chase.
Even headaches are irrelevant.
its due to the radiation that the sun emits, which can become energy like you make energy out of water
CO is poisionous and CO2 is non toxic in nature.
CO forms complex with haemoglobin which is more stable than complex of oxygen with haemoglobin. The concentration range of 3-4 % of CO decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of blood. This causes headache, weak eyesight, nervousness and cardiovascular disorders. Higher concentration can be fatal. CO2 is harmful at a very high concentration.
If you could please include the phrases, you could get a more defined answer.
Free trade negotiations between the United States and the five Central American countries began in 2002