Human practices are threatening to move this beloved animal into extinction. 4. However, by curbing deforestation, and enforcing laws against poaching, the giant panda can thrive in the wild despite an increasing human population. 5. By working to preserve the existence of the giant panda, we are ensuring that future generations will delight in this beautiful creature as well.
You posted this 9 hours ago, do you still need help with it because Im writing an essay about he colonies on the east and I wanted to add this information.
Sí, la contaminación acústica de las fábricas e incluso de las ciudades ha afectado la vida marina y los animales que solían vivir en las selvas tropicales de El Salvador. Debido a la contaminación acústica, los suministros de agua y tierra contaminados y la deforestación, muchas especies se han mudado de sus hábitats naturales. El Salvador, la región más pequeña de Centroamérica, ha experimentado un crecimiento persistentemente bajo y solo ha logrado un progreso modesto en la reducción de la pobreza. Sin embargo, durante las últimas dos décadas, la desigualdad ha disminuido y El Salvador es ahora uno de los países más equitativos de América Latina.
in english: Yes, noise pollution from factories and even cities has affected marine life and animals that used to live in El Salvador's rainforests. Owing to noise pollution, contaminated water supplies and land, and deforestation, many species have moved out of their natural habitats. El Salvador, Central America's smallest region, has experienced persistently low growth and has made only modest progress in reducing poverty. However, over the last two decades, inequality has decreased, and El Salvador is now one of Latin America's most equitable countries.
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